Arbovirus disease surveillance planning and practice

Performance of national epidemiological surveillance for arboviral diseases in humans (ref Q12, 12b, 12c)

Regional office

Countries conducting surveillancea

Surveillance frequency (N)b

Surveillance type (N)b


52 (100%)


13 (59%)

Weekly: 3

Ad hoc: 1

Other: 9

Primarily passive: 5

Combination of active and passive: 8


17 (85%)

Weekly: 2

Monthly: 2

Ad hoc: 7

Other: 5

Primarily active: 2

Primarily passive: 11

Combination of active and passive: 3


10 (100%)

Weekly: 2

Other: 6

NA: 2

Primarily passive: 7

Combination of active and passive: 3


14 (88%)

Weekly: 6

Ad hoc: 1

Other: 7

Primarily passive: 5

Combination of active and passive: 9

aOnly countries that responded to Q12 are included in the denominator when calculating these percentages.

bQuestions 12b and 12c were not included in the dataset shared with AMRO for completion. Please see the Arbovirus Survey Overview for more information.